Wealthcare Capital Management – Privacy Policy
Effective January 1, 2024

Wealthcare Capital Management LLC and its DBA’s or divisions (“WEALTHCARE”) have adopted policies and procedures to protect our client’s non-public personal information.

As your investment adviser, or service provider to your investment adviser, WEALTHCARE collects non-public personal information about you from unaffiliated third-party investment custodial applications and other forms submitted to us by you or submitted to us by your financial consultant, custodian or other authorized representatives (such as your accountant or attorney) and through the normal course of business as your investment adviser or as a service provider to your investment adviser.

The types of non-public personal information WEALTHCARE collects and shares will depend on the product or services you receive from us. WEALTHCARE regards non-public personal information to be data such as your name, address, telephone/fax numbers, email addresses, Social Security number, assets, income, investment objectives, risk tolerance, account numbers, account balances, transaction history, beneficiary information, bank account information and credit card information.

WEALTHCARE will not disclose non-public personal information about you to anyone, except:

1. For our everyday business purposes – such as to process your transactions or maintain and monitor your account(s),
2. To non-affiliated third parties who assist us in administering your investment account(s) – such as your brokerage, mutual fund, or other investment custodian(s),
3. In connection with a government or self-regulatory organization request or investigation,
4. For our marketing purposes – to offer our services to you,
5. With Broker-Dealers who have regulatory requirements to supervise certain of your Advisor’s activities, and
6. In connection with certain financial advisor transitions, which are described in greater detail below.

WEALTHCARE restricts access to your personal and account information to those employees who need to know that information to provide services to you, your financial consultant, or other authorized representative. Employees and third-party vendors/contractors governed by confidentiality agreements are prohibited from disclosing non-public personal information to any person or entity outside WEALTHCARE during or subsequent to their employment or contractual engagement with WEALTHCARE.

Additionally, WEALTHCARE maintains physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that meet federal and/or state standards to guard your non-public personal information.

WEALTHCARE’s privacy policy applies to current, future, and past clients. If you decide to close your account(s) or become an inactive client, WEALTHCARE will adhere to the privacy policies and practices as described in this notice. If there is a material change in WEALTHCARE’s privacy policy, you will be notified via written notice.

Also, if your financial advisor had a client relationship with you prior to your relationship with WEALTHCARE, then WEALTHCARE may have agreed to allow your financial advisor to solicit or recruit you to join his or her new firm if the financial advisor’s relationship with WEALTHCARE is terminated. In those instances, your financial advisor will be permitted to take your personal information and other account information to their new firm.

Please be aware that WEALTHCARE entered into the Protocol for Broker Recruiting (Protocol) on April 24, 2009, with certain other brokerage firms, and if WEALTHCARE remains a signatory to the Protocol as of the effective date of your advisor’s termination from WEALTHCARE, then WEALTHCARE may permit your financial advisor to take your name, address, phone number, email address and the account title of the accounts serviced (or additional information as permitted if the Protocol is amended) while your financial advisor was associated with WEALTHCARE if your advisor joins one of these Protocol firms. The retention of this limited information by your advisor under the Protocol may occur even if you have exercised your rights to limit information sharing as described below.

If you would like to limit the personal information that your financial advisor could disclose or take if he or she moved to another brokerage or investment advisory firm and terminated their relationship with WEALTHCARE, please send a written request by email to [email protected] with the subject of “PRIVACY OPT OUT.” You can withdraw your opt-out choice at any time by contacting us in writing at the email address provided above. Please note that for accounts held jointly by two or more persons, the privacy choices made by any account holder apply to all joint holders with respect to the account.

If your primary address is in a state that requires your affirmative consent to share your personal information with a new firm, then you must give your written consent before we will allow your financial advisor to take any of your personal information to that new firm. As of the date of this notice, if your mailing address provided for your account is in California, North Dakota, or Vermont, we will automatically treat your account as if you do not want us to disclose your personal information to non-affiliated third parties for purposes of them marketing to you, except as permitted by the applicable state law.

If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy, please do not hesitate to call your financial consultant or call WEALTHCARE’s Compliance Department at (804) 644-4711, or send an email inquiry to [email protected]


Wealthcare Capital Management – Terms of Use


Wealthcare Capital Management LLC (“Wealthcare”) is an independent, fee-only investment adviser registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) as required by current regulations. Wealthcare’s disclosure statement, the Form ADV Part 2A is available here. or through the SEC’s website through the Investment Adviser Search page here. The Form ADV Part 2A contains a copy of Wealthcare’s Privacy Policy for advisory clients and prospective clients.

In addition to serving as an investment adviser, Wealthcare is also a technology provider to the financial services https://www.adviserinfo.sec.gov/IAPD/Content/Common/crd_iapd_Brochure.aspx?BRCHR_VRSN_ID=472309industry via its website at www.gdx360.com (the “GDX360® Website”). The GDX360® Website is utilized for an Application Service Provider (“ASP”) business model which delivers wealth management software that supports the Wealthcare advising concepts over the internet. Wealthcare, as Licensor, is not engaged in rendering investment or financial advice to a User/Licensee’s client(s). The results of the use of the software and the Licensor’s Website must not be regarded or represented by the User/Licensee as constituting specific investment or financial advice by Wealthcare to User/Licensee’s clients. As a professional financial advisor or planner, registered representative, insurance agent and/or representative or in any other status whereby a User/Licensee makes a living by providing financial, investment and/or insurance advice to others, the User/Licensee bears full responsibility for advice and services furnished to its clients, regardless of whether User/Licensee employed the software or Licensor’s site in connection with the development of such advice.

In the event a User/Licensee has fully met the requirements set forth in the Section 2 of the User Agreement, Wealthcare will accept responsibility solely to the User/Licensee to the extent the advisory services we have provided to User/Licensee were deficient or otherwise inadequate to meet our obligations to the User/Licensee under an accepted User Agreement. The possible future results of investment decisions are provided merely for informational purposes and should not be regarded as a prediction or guarantee of future results. Nothing contained in the software or on the GDX360 Website shall be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any security or investment product.

The GDX360 Website provides a link to its investment advisory services website, www.wealthcarecapital.com (the “Wealthcare Website”). (Collectively, the Wealthcare Website and the GDX360 Website will be referred to as the “Websites”.) Wealthcare does not provide personalized investment advice through the Wealthcare Website and it is limited to providing you with general information on our investor and advisory services for United States residents residing in states where providing such information is not prohibited by law.

The publication of GDX360 Website and the Wealthcare Website on the Internet should not be construed by any consumer and/or prospective client as a solicitation to effect, or attempt to effect or recommend transactions in securities, or to render personalized investment advice over the Internet.

The information resulting from the use of tools, charts, graphs or other information on the Websites should not be construed, in any manner whatsoever, as the receipt of, or a substitute for, personalized individual advice from Wealthcare. Past performance is no indication of future performance. Mutual funds and exchange-traded fund investments may lose value, and are not FDIC insured or government guaranteed.



We are committed to protecting your privacy whenever you use our Websites. Whenever you visit the Wealthcare Website, we recognize you only by your domain name. We do not collect any personal information about you. When you visit some websites, their web servers generate pieces of software known as “cookies.” A cookie is a file placed on your hard drive by a web site that allows the web site to monitor your use of that site, usually without your express knowledge. We do not utilize this functionality on the Wealthcare Website.

As to the GDX360 Website, we don’t use this functionality unless the user elects to subscribe to our ASP service. When a User/Licensee accepts the User Agreement and establishes a Login and Password, only then will the GDX360 Website utilize cookies for session management purposes only. This is applicable for a trial subscription as well as for a paid subscription or for log-ins authorized for client use by paid trail or paid subscribers. In order to subscribe, we may collect non-public personal information including your name, email address and credit card information which is protected as per Wealthcare’s Privacy Policy here.


Due to the global nature of the Internet, the Websites may be accessed by users in countries other than the United States. We make no warranties that materials on the Websites are appropriate or available for use in such locations. If it is illegal or prohibited in your country of origin to access or use the Website, then you should not do so. Those who choose to access the Websites outside the United States do so under their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with all local laws and regulations.


We are not responsible for any damages or injury, including but not limited to special or consequential damages, that result from your use of (or inability to use) this website, including any damages or injury caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation, computer virus, line failure, or other computer malfunction. You acknowledge that we provide the contents of this website on an “as is” basis with no warranties of any kind. Your use of this website and use or reliance upon any of the materials on it is solely at your own risk.


You agree that your use of this website and the privacy policy and any disputes relating to them shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Virginia. Any dispute relating to the above shall be resolved solely in arbitration in the State of Virginia. The award of the arbitrators shall be final and binding on the parties, and judgment upon the award rendered may be entered into in any court, state or federal, having jurisdiction.


All content included on the Websites, such as graphics, logos, articles and other materials, is the sole property of Wealthcare or others and is protected under copyright, trademark and other laws. All rights reserved. Any person using this website is permitted to copy and print individual website pages for non-commercial purposes only.


The following are the registered and unregistered trademarks and service marks of Wealthcare Capital Management IP, LLC, a subsidiary of Wealthcare, in the United States and are not to be utilized without the permission of Wealthcare.



The patented systems referred to within the Websites are held by Wealthcare Capital Management IP LLC, a subsidiary of Wealthcare, or are used by us under exclusive agreements with the patent owners.

United States of America

Patent No. 6,947,904 System and method for incorporating mortality risk in an investment planning model Patent No. 7,562,040 Method, system and computer program for auditing financial plans
Patent No. 7,650,303 Method and system for financial advising
Patent No. 7,765,138 Method and system for financial advising
Patent No. 7,991,675 Method and system for financial advising

Commonwealth of Australia

Patent No. 759947 Internet communications and presentation software and method Patent No. 771672 Method, system and computer program for auditing financial plans Patent No. 768759 Method and system for financial advising

New Zealand

Patent No. 511555 Method, system and computer program for auditing financial plans Patent No. 512967 Internet communications and presentation software and method Patent No. 546616 Method and system for financial advising

Republic of Singapore

Patent No. 122091 Method and system for financial advising

Other patents pending.

Wealthcare Advisory Partners – Privacy Policy
Effective January 1, 2024

Wealthcare Advisory Partners LLC and its DBA’s or divisions (“WCAP”) have adopted policies and procedures to protect our client’s non‐public personal information. As your investment adviser, or service provider to your investment adviser, WCAP collects non‐public personal information about you from unaffiliated third‐party investment custodial applications and other forms submitted to us by you or submitted to us by your financial consultant, custodian, or other authorized representatives (such as your accountant or attorney) and through the normal course of business as your investment adviser or as a service provider to your investment adviser.

The types of non‐public personal information WCAP collects, and shares will depend on the product or services you receive from us. WCAP regards non‐public personal information to be data such as your name, address, telephone/fax numbers, email addresses, Social Security number, assets, income, investment objectives, risk tolerance, account numbers, account balances, transaction history, beneficiary information, bank account information and credit card information.

WCAP will not disclose non‐public personal information about you to anyone, except:

  1. For our everyday business purposes ‐ such as to process your transactions or maintain and monitor your account(s)
  2. To affiliated and non‐affiliated third parties who assist in administration and/or the ongoing management of your investment account(s) ‐ such as our affiliated Registered Investment Advisors or your brokerage, mutual fund, or other investment custodian(s)
  3. In connection with a government or self‐regulatory organization request or investigation
  4. For our marketing purposes – to offer our services to you
  5. In connection with certain financial advisor transitions, which are described in greater detail below.

WCAP restricts access to your personal and account information to those employees who need to know that information to provide services to you, your financial consultant, or other authorized representative. Employees and third-party vendors/contractors governed by confidentiality agreements are prohibited from disclosing non‐public personal information to any person or entity outside WCAP during or subsequent to their employment or contractual engagement with WCAP.

Additionally, WCAP maintains physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that meet federal and/or state standards to guard your non‐public personal information.

WCAP’s privacy policy applies to current, future, and past clients. If you decide to close your account(s) or become an inactive client, WCAP will adhere to the privacy policies and practices as described in this notice. If there is a material change in WCAP’s privacy policy, you will be notified via written notice.

Also, if your financial advisor had a client relationship with you prior to your relationship with WCAP, then WCAP may have agreed to allow your financial advisor to solicit or recruit you to join his or her new firm if the financial advisor’s relationship with WCAP is terminated. In those instances, your financial advisor will be permitted to take your personal information and other account information to their new firm.

Please be aware that WCAP entered into the Protocol for Broker Recruiting (Protocol) on June 9, 2016, with certain other brokerage firms, and if WCAP remains a signatory to the Protocol as of the effective date of your advisor’s termination from WCAP, then WCAP may permit your financial advisor to take your name, address, phone number, email address and the account title of the accounts serviced (or additional information as permitted if the Protocol is amended) while your financial advisor was associated with WCAP if your advisor joins one of these Protocol firms. The retention of this limited information by your advisor under the Protocol may occur even if you have exercised your rights to limit information sharing as described below.

If you would like to limit the personal information that your financial advisor could disclose or take if he or she moved to another brokerage or investment advisory firm and terminated the relationship with WCAP, please send a written request by email to [email protected] with the subject of “PRIVACY OPT OUT”. You can withdraw your opt-out choice at any time by contacting us in writing at the email address provided above.

Please note that for accounts held jointly by two or more persons, the privacy choices made by any account holder apply to all joint holders with respect to the account.

If your primary address is in a state that requires your affirmative consent to share your personal information with the New Firm, then you must give your written consent before we allow your financial advisor to take any of your personal information to that New Firm. As of the date of this notice, if your mailing address provided for your account is in California, North Dakota, or Vermont, we will automatically treat your account as if you do not want us to disclose your personal information to non-affiliated third parties for purposes of them marketing to you, except as permitted by the applicable state law.

If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy, please do not hesitate to call your financial consultant or call WCAP’s Compliance Department at 804-644-4711, or send an email inquiry to [email protected].

Wealthcare Advisory Partners – Terms of Use


Wealthcare Capital Management LLC (“Wealthcare”) is an independent, fee-only investment adviser registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) as required by current regulations. Wealthcare’s disclosure statement, the Form ADV Part 2A is available here. or through the SEC’s website through the Investment Adviser Search page here. The Form ADV Part 2A contains a copy of Wealthcare’s Privacy Policy for advisory clients and prospective clients.

In addition to serving as an investment adviser, Wealthcare is also a technology provider to the financial services industry via its website at www.gdx360.com (the “GDX360® Website”). The GDX360® Website is utilized for an Application Service Provider (“ASP”) business model which delivers wealth management software that supports the Wealthcare advising concepts over the internet. Wealthcare, as Licensor, is not engaged in rendering investment or financial advice to a User/Licensee’s client(s). The results of the use of the software and the Licensor’s Website must not be regarded or represented by the User/Licensee as constituting specific investment or financial advice by Wealthcare to User/Licensee’s clients. As a professional financial advisor or planner, registered representative, insurance agent and/or representative or in any other status whereby a User/Licensee makes a living by providing financial, investment and/or insurance advice to others, the User/Licensee bears full responsibility for advice and services furnished to its clients, regardless of whether User/Licensee employed the software or Licensor’s site in connection with the development of such advice.

In the event a User/Licensee has fully met the requirements set forth in the Section 2 of the User Agreement, Wealthcare will accept responsibility solely to the User/Licensee to the extent the advisory services we have provided to User/Licensee were deficient or otherwise inadequate to meet our obligations to the User/Licensee under an accepted User Agreement. The possible future results of investment decisions are provided merely for informational purposes and should not be regarded as a prediction or guarantee of future results. Nothing contained in the software or on the GDX360 Website shall be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any security or investment product.

The GDX360 Website provides a link to its investment advisory services website, www.wealthcarecapital.com (the “Wealthcare Website”). (Collectively, the Wealthcare Website and the GDX360 Website will be referred to as the “Websites”.) Wealthcare does not provide personalized investment advice through the Wealthcare Website and it is limited to providing you with general information on our investor and advisory services for United States residents residing in states where providing such information is not prohibited by law.

The publication of GDX360 Website and the Wealthcare Website on the Internet should not be construed by any consumer and/or prospective client as a solicitation to effect, or attempt to effect or recommend transactions in securities, or to render personalized investment advice over the Internet.

The information resulting from the use of tools, charts, graphs or other information on the Websites should not be construed, in any manner whatsoever, as the receipt of, or a substitute for, personalized individual advice from Wealthcare. Past performance is no indication of future performance. Mutual funds and exchange-traded fund investments may lose value, and are not FDIC insured or government guaranteed.



We are committed to protecting your privacy whenever you use our Websites. Whenever you visit the Wealthcare Website, we recognize you only by your domain name. We do not collect any personal information about you. When you visit some websites, their web servers generate pieces of software known as “cookies.” A cookie is a file placed on your hard drive by a web site that allows the web site to monitor your use of that site, usually without your express knowledge. We do not utilize this functionality on the Wealthcare Website.

As to the GDX360 Website, we don’t use this functionality unless the user elects to subscribe to our ASP service. When a User/Licensee accepts the User Agreement and establishes a Login and Password, only then will the GDX360 Website utilize cookies for session management purposes only. This is applicable for a trial subscription as well as for a paid subscription or for log-ins authorized for client use by paid trail or paid subscribers. In order to subscribe, we may collect non-public personal information including your name, email address and credit card information which is protected as per Wealthcare’s Privacy Policy here.


Due to the global nature of the Internet, the Websites may be accessed by users in countries other than the United States. We make no warranties that materials on the Websites are appropriate or available for use in such locations. If it is illegal or prohibited in your country of origin to access or use the Website, then you should not do so. Those who choose to access the Websites outside the United States do so under their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with all local laws and regulations.


We are not responsible for any damages or injury, including but not limited to special or consequential damages, that result from your use of (or inability to use) this website, including any damages or injury caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation, computer virus, line failure, or other computer malfunction. You acknowledge that we provide the contents of this website on an “as is” basis with no warranties of any kind. Your use of this website and use or reliance upon any of the materials on it is solely at your own risk.


You agree that your use of this website and the privacy policy and any disputes relating to them shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Virginia. Any dispute relating to the above shall be resolved solely in arbitration in the State of Virginia. The award of the arbitrators shall be final and binding on the parties, and judgment upon the award rendered may be entered into in any court, state or federal, having jurisdiction.


All content included on the Websites, such as graphics, logos, articles and other materials, is the sole property of Wealthcare or others and is protected under copyright, trademark and other laws. All rights reserved. Any person using this website is permitted to copy and print individual website pages for non-commercial purposes only.


The following are the registered and unregistered trademarks and service marks of Wealthcare Capital Management IP, LLC, a subsidiary of Wealthcare, in the United States and are not to be utilized without the permission of Wealthcare.



The patented systems referred to within the Websites are held by Wealthcare Capital Management IP LLC, a subsidiary of Wealthcare, or are used by us under exclusive agreements with the patent owners.

United States of America

Patent No. 6,947,904 System and method for incorporating mortality risk in an investment planning model Patent No. 7,562,040 Method, system and computer program for auditing financial plans
Patent No. 7,650,303 Method and system for financial advising
Patent No. 7,765,138 Method and system for financial advising
Patent No. 7,991,675 Method and system for financial advising

Commonwealth of Australia

Patent No. 759947 Internet communications and presentation software and method Patent No. 771672 Method, system and computer program for auditing financial plans Patent No. 768759 Method and system for financial advising

New Zealand

Patent No. 511555 Method, system and computer program for auditing financial plans Patent No. 512967 Internet communications and presentation software and method Patent No. 546616 Method and system for financial advising

Republic of Singapore

Patent No. 122091 Method and system for financial advising

Other patents pending.

Wealthcare Capital Partners – Privacy Policy
Effective April 24, 2024

Wealthcare Capital Partners LLC and its DBA’s or divisions (“WCP”) have adopted policies and procedures to protect our client’s non‐public personal information.

As your investment adviser, or service provider to your investment adviser, WCP collects non‐public personal information about you from unaffiliated third‐party investment custodial applications and other forms submitted to us by you or submitted to us by your financial consultant, custodian or other authorized representatives (such as your accountant or attorney) and through the normal course of business as your investment adviser or as a service provider to your investment adviser.

The types of non‐public personal information WCP collects and shares will depend on the product or services you receive from us. WCP regards non‐public personal information to be data such as your name, address, telephone/fax numbers, e‐mail addresses, Social Security number, assets, income, investment objectives, risk tolerance, account numbers, account balances, transaction history, beneficiary information, bank account information and credit card information.

WCP will not disclose non‐public personal information about you to anyone, except:

  1. For our everyday business purposes ‐ such as to process your transactions or maintain and monitor your account(s)
  2. To affiliated and non‐affiliated third parties who assist in administration and/or the ongoing management of your investment account(s) ‐ such as our affiliated Registered Investment Advisors or your brokerage, mutual fund, or other investment custodian(s)
  3. In connection with a government or self‐regulatory organization request or investigation
  4. For our marketing purposes – to offer our services to you
  5. In connection with certain financial advisor transitions, which are described in greater detail below.

WCP restricts access to your personal and account information to those employees who need to know that information to provide services to you, your financial consultant or other authorized representative. Employees and third-party vendors/contractors governed by confidentiality agreements are prohibited from disclosing nonpublic personal information to any person or entity outside WCP, during or subsequent to their employment or contractual engagement with WCP.

Additionally, WCP maintains physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that meet federal and/or state standards to guard your non‐public personal information.

WCP’s privacy policy applies to current, future and past clients. If you decide to close your account(s) or become an inactive client, WCP will adhere to the privacy policies and practices as described in this notice. If there is a material change in WCP’s privacy policy, you will be notified via written notice.

Also, if your financial advisor had a client relationship with you prior to your relationship with WCP, then WCP may have agreed to allow your financial advisor to solicit or recruit you to join his or her new firm if the financial advisor’s relationship with WCP is terminated. In those instances, your financial advisor will be permitted to take your personal information and other account information to their new firm.

Please be aware that WCP entered into the Protocol for Broker Recruiting (Protocol) on May 1, 2024, with certain other brokerage firms, and if WCP remains a signatory to the Protocol as of the effective date of your advisor’s termination from WCP, then WCP may permit your financial advisor to take your name, address, phone number, email address and the account title of the accounts serviced (or additional information as permitted if the Protocol is amended) while your financial advisor was associated with WCP if your advisor joins one of these Protocol firms. The retention of this limited information by your advisor under the Protocol may occur even if you have exercised your rights to limit information sharing as described below.

If you would like to limit the personal information that your financial advisor could disclose or take if he or she moved to another brokerage or investment advisory firm and terminated the relationship with WCP, please send a written request by email to [email protected] with the subject of “PRIVACY OPT OUT”. You can withdraw your opt-out choice at any time by contacting us in writing at the email address provided above.

Please note that for accounts held jointly by two or more persons, the privacy choices made by any account holder apply to all joint holders with respect to the account.

If your primary address is in a state that requires your affirmative consent to share your personal information with the New Firm, then you must give your written consent before we will allow your financial advisor to take any of your personal information to that New Firm. As of the date of this notice, if your mailing address provided for your account is in California, North Dakota, or Vermont, we will automatically treat your account as if you do not want us to disclose your personal information to non-affiliated third parties for purposes of them marketing to you, except as permitted by the applicable state law.

If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy, please do not hesitate to call your financial consultant or call WCP’s Compliance Department at 804-644-4711, or send an email inquiry to [email protected].


Wealthcare Capital Partners – Terms of Use


Wealthcare Capital Partners LLC (“Wealthcare”) is an independent, fee-only investment adviser registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) as required by current regulations. Wealthcare’s disclosure statement, the Form ADV Part 2A is available here. or through the SEC’s website through the Investment Adviser Search page here. The Form ADV Part 2A contains a copy of Wealthcare’s Privacy Policy for advisory clients and prospective clients.

In addition to serving as an investment adviser, Wealthcare is also a technology provider to the financial services industry via its website at www.gdx360.com (the “GDX360® Website”). The GDX360® Website is utilized for an Application Service Provider (“ASP”) business model which delivers wealth management software that supports the Wealthcare advising concepts over the internet. Wealthcare, as Licensor, is not engaged in rendering investment or financial advice to a User/Licensee’s client(s). The results of the use of the software and the Licensor’s Website must not be regarded or represented by the User/Licensee as constituting specific investment or financial advice by Wealthcare to User/Licensee’s clients. As a professional financial advisor or planner, registered representative, insurance agent and/or representative or in any other status whereby a User/Licensee makes a living by providing financial, investment and/or insurance advice to others, the User/Licensee bears full responsibility for advice and services furnished to its clients, regardless of whether User/Licensee employed the software or Licensor’s site in connection with the development of such advice.

In the event a User/Licensee has fully met the requirements set forth in the Section 2 of the User Agreement, Wealthcare will accept responsibility solely to the User/Licensee to the extent the advisory services we have provided to User/Licensee were deficient or otherwise inadequate to meet our obligations to the User/Licensee under an accepted User Agreement. The possible future results of investment decisions are provided merely for informational purposes and should not be regarded as a prediction or guarantee of future results. Nothing contained in the software or on the GDX360 Website shall be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any security or investment product.

The GDX360 Website provides a link to its investment advisory services website www.wealthcaregdx.com (the “Wealthcare Website”). (Collectively, the Wealthcare Website and the GDX360 Website will be referred to as the “Websites”.) Wealthcare does not provide personalized investment advice through the Wealthcare Website and it is limited to providing you with general information on our investor and advisory services for United States residents residing in states where providing such information is not prohibited by law.

The publication of GDX360 Website and the Wealthcare Website on the Internet should not be construed by any consumer and/or prospective client as a solicitation to effect, or attempt to effect or recommend transactions in securities, or to render personalized investment advice over the Internet.

The information resulting from the use of tools, charts, graphs or other information on the Websites should not be construed, in any manner whatsoever, as the receipt of, or a substitute for, personalized individual advice from Wealthcare. Past performance is no indication of future performance. Mutual funds and exchange-traded fund investments may lose value, and are not FDIC insured or government guaranteed.



We are committed to protecting your privacy whenever you use our Websites. Whenever you visit the Wealthcare Website, we recognize you only by your domain name. We do not collect any personal information about you. When you visit some websites, their web servers generate pieces of software known as “cookies.” A cookie is a file placed on your hard drive by a web site that allows the web site to monitor your use of that site, usually without your express knowledge. We do not utilize this functionality on the Wealthcare Website.

As to the GDX360 Website, we don’t use this functionality unless the user elects to subscribe to our ASP service. When a User/Licensee accepts the User Agreement and establishes a Login and Password, only then will the GDX360 Website utilize cookies for session management purposes only. This is applicable for a trial subscription as well as for a paid subscription or for log-ins authorized for client use by paid trail or paid subscribers. In order to subscribe, we may collect non-public personal information including your name, email address and credit card information which is protected as per Wealthcare’s Privacy Policy here.


Due to the global nature of the Internet, the Websites may be accessed by users in countries other than the United States. We make no warranties that materials on the Websites are appropriate or available for use in such locations. If it is illegal or prohibited in your country of origin to access or use the Website, then you should not do so. Those who choose to access the Websites outside the United States do so under their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with all local laws and regulations.


We are not responsible for any damages or injury, including but not limited to special or consequential damages, that result from your use of (or inability to use) this website, including any damages or injury caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation, computer virus, line failure, or other computer malfunction. You acknowledge that we provide the contents of this website on an “as is” basis with no warranties of any kind. Your use of this website and use or reliance upon any of the materials on it is solely at your own risk.


You agree that your use of this website and the privacy policy and any disputes relating to them shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Virginia. Any dispute relating to the above shall be resolved solely in arbitration in the State of Virginia. The award of the arbitrators shall be final and binding on the parties, and judgment upon the award rendered may be entered into in any court, state or federal, having jurisdiction.


All content included on the Websites, such as graphics, logos, articles and other materials, is the sole property of Wealthcare or others and is protected under copyright, trademark and other laws. All rights reserved. Any person using this website is permitted to copy and print individual website pages for non-commercial purposes only.


The following are the registered and unregistered trademarks and service marks of Wealthcare Capital Management IP, LLC, a subsidiary of Wealthcare, in the United States and are not to be utilized without the permission of Wealthcare.



The patented systems referred to within the Websites are held by Wealthcare Capital Management IP LLC, a subsidiary of Wealthcare, or are used by us under exclusive agreements with the patent owners.

United States of America

Patent No. 6,947,904 System and method for incorporating mortality risk in an investment planning model Patent No. 7,562,040 Method, system and computer program for auditing financial plans
Patent No. 7,650,303 Method and system for financial advising
Patent No. 7,765,138 Method and system for financial advising
Patent No. 7,991,675 Method and system for financial advising

Commonwealth of Australia

Patent No. 759947 Internet communications and presentation software and method Patent No. 771672 Method, system and computer program for auditing financial plans Patent No. 768759 Method and system for financial advising

New Zealand

Patent No. 511555 Method, system and computer program for auditing financial plans Patent No. 512967 Internet communications and presentation software and method Patent No. 546616 Method and system for financial advising

Republic of Singapore

Patent No. 122091 Method and system for financial advising

Other patents pending.

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